The Moscow Regional entrepreneurs complained about illegal actions of law enforcement agencies.

On July 27th the Moscow Region Business Ombudsman Vladimir Golovnev along with the Moscow Region Prosecutor Sergei Zabaturin  held a joint reception of entrepreneurs  in  Istra city district. 

Six businessmen applied for the protection of their rights and legitimate interests.

Most of the complaints were related to the police authorities' unjustified refusals to initiate criminal cases, illegal actions of local governments and law enforcement agencies. 

“The issue of protecting entrepreneurs from illegal actions or inaction of the police continues to be one of the priorities. Last year, every fifth appeal was related to the activities of law enforcement agencies. From year to year, the issue of interaction between business and the police does not lose its acuteness", Vladimir Golovnev commented on the situation.

The story of one of the applicants can serve as a vivid confirmation:  as a private kindergarten, in 2020 year the organization was listed subsidies for partial reimbursement of costs. Payments were made randomly and not in full, but this is only half the trouble.

In 2021, it turned out that due to irregular transfers, an overpayment of over 450 thousand rubles was formed, as a result of which a criminal case was opened, in which the head of a network of kindergartens became a witness. The interrogation was followed by searches with confiscation of documents and computer equipment. As for the applicant' words, the police officers incorrectly, in violation of the criminal procedure legislation, filled out the protocol, without specifying either the list or the number of documents to be seized, without sealing and packing the computer equipment.

“Currently, part of the property has been returned, but not in the same form and quantity. The private kindergarten network remains paralyzed. We are drawing not only reputational, but also significant financial losses”, the entrepreneur said. 

Having specified a number of details and requesting the necessary documents, the meeting participants took the issue under the prosecutor's control. A check will be carried out on the legality and validity of the actions of law enforcement agencies in the near future. 

As for the words of the Business Ombudsman, such a case is not uncommon, and it is possible to achieve a positive result only after intervention of the prosecution authorities. 

“For seven years we have been holding such receptions of entrepreneurs with the regional prosecutor on a quarterly basis. This practice has repeatedly proved its effectiveness. During this period, about 150 applications were considered, in 70% of cases business rights were restored", the Business Ombudsman noted.

All appeals considered during the joint reception will be checked and prosecutorial  measures will be taken if necessary. Until the end of the process, the cases remain under the control of the Business Ombudsman. 

In addition, we remind you that you can send your complaints:

by mail, to the address: Rublevo-Uspenskoe high way, 1st km, house 1, bld. A, Razdory village, Odintsovo, Moscow Region, 143082; 

by e-mail:; 

on the Ombudsman's website:; or contact the public reception office of the Commissioner in your city (contacts of public reception offices can be found on the website:

Автор: OS,YM
Источник: Пресс-служба Владимира Головнева


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Boris Titov Business Ombudsman Moscow region Protection of Business Protection of the Business The Moscow Business Ombudsman Vladimir Golovnev Vladimir Golovnyov Андрей Воробьев Балашиха Борис Титов Владимир Головнев Защита прав предпринимателей МСП Московская область Налоги Общественная приемная Опора России Подмосковье Правительство МО Правительство Московской области Прием предпринимателей Прокуратура Прокуратура Московской области Роспотребнадзор Уполномоченный Уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей в Московской области ФНС ФНС России Химки Экспертный Совет бизнес бизнес в Подмосковье бизнес-омбудсмен бизнес-омбудсмен Московской области бизнес-омбудсмен Подмосковья вебинар мособлдума налоговая служба наше подмосковье обращения общественные приемные поддержка МСП поддержка бизнеса подмосковье для бизнеса предприниматели предприниматели подмосковья проверки производство работа с обращениями

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